Thursday, 2 May 2019

Interaction with famous Indonesian Traveling writer Agustinus Wibowo in Taxila

August 15, 2014

In 2003, during my university visit to Taxila;  I met a Chinese-Indonesian traveler Agustinus Wibowo who was at that time of very young age and travelling all alone in North of Pakistan.

He entered Pakistan, from Khunjerab Pass and visited valleys of Gilgit, Skardu, Deosai and than came to Taxila he had plans of visiting Afghanistan after that as well. 

He told me that he had also visited Burma, Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam and he always travel alone. I asked him why, He replied, "When you travel alone you can hear inside of your soul."

Years back, when Facebook came into being, i luckily find his profile. Got surprised and happy to learn that he became famous travel writer of Indonesia. He has also worked with channels like Nat Geo.