Showing posts with label Jain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jain. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 July 2022

The SS Jain Hall Lahore (2013)

 Date of Visit April 7, 2013

View of Jain Hall Building from Street now occupied by migrant families 

In 1940, the foundation stone of the SS Jain Hall was laid by Shrimiti Sukh Devi Jain. This significant event took place during a period when the total population of the Municipality of Lahore was 671,659. At that time, Muslims comprised the majority with 64.50 percent, while Hindus and Sikhs, along with a small Christian community and individuals from other minority groups, made up the remaining 36 percent.

Jainism, also known as Jaina dharma, is an ancient Indian religion that advocates non-violence towards all living beings. It is one of the oldest religions in the world, with its roots deeply embedded in ancient India. According to tradition, Jainism was preached by twenty-four propagators of faith known as Tirthankaras. The core principles of Jainism revolve around spiritual independence and equality among all forms of life. Practitioners of this religion believe that non-violence and self-control are essential for attaining liberation from the cycle of reincarnation.

The SS Jain Hall is situated within the premises of Tehsil Bazaar, in the historic Lahori Gate area of Lahore. This hall served as a gathering place for Jains to conduct their religious activities. The hall features a lofty roof, reaching a height of at least 20 feet. On the center of the rear wall, a wooden symbol of Jainism is prominently displayed. During its prime, the building also contained a mandap, which was used for performing marriage ceremonies. The walls of the hall bear inscriptions in Hindi script.

Unfortunately, the current state of the structure is in extreme disrepair. The ground floor has been occupied and converted into residential houses. Only a middle portion of the building remains standing, covered in dust and neglect. Despite its dilapidated condition, the SS Jain Hall holds historical and cultural significance, reflecting the presence of the Jain community in Lahore and their religious practices.

The Entrance Door 


Translated list of Donar with the help of Indian friend

Another Foundation Stone 

Main prayer Hall