Saturday, 25 February 2023

๐€๐ง ๐š๐ซ๐œ๐ก๐ข๐ญ๐ž๐œ๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐š๐ฅ ๐ซ๐ž๐ฏ๐ข๐ž๐ฐ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐’๐š๐ž๐ž๐ง ๐’๐ฎ๐ค๐ก ๐’๐ก๐ซ๐ข๐ง๐ž ๐ข๐ง ๐‚๐ก๐ข๐ง๐ข๐จ๐ญ

07th March 2018

(All photographs and text used in this article are author's property, please take prior permission if needed of using them)

An elegant, traditional, and unique style of the shrine is present in Chiniot city. The shrine has four significant structures on its premises; two tombs, one minaret of the mosque, and one arched entrance to the shrine.  


The first tomb is designed in the shape of a rectangular pavilion arcade that looks to be inspired by the Mughal architecture โ€˜Baradariโ€ design; however, it has seven arched gateway openings on one side and six on the others. These arches run inside the pavilion as well. The repetitive nature of the arches gave an overall look of rhythm and symmetry in pattern, a sense of unity and continuity, and overall exquisiteness in architecture. Each arch is pointed cinquefoil type which is characterized by five cusps or pointed arches forming a floral shape. The arch is typically seen in Gothic architecture. The arch is raised from the impost.

In the front elevation, the Spandrels above the arches are decorated with floral motifs created most likely with plaster or lime mixture. However, the spandrels lying inside the pavilion are adorned with floral mural patterns painted in oil.

Above the spandrels, a band of brown tile runs all around the front facade, on the center of which a floral molding is present on all four sides.  

Exterior cornice molding: a decorative feature seen at the junction of the exterior faรงade and the roof. It is made by adjoining two C-Shape sections on the same axis but opposite directions made in plaster the outer edge is painted in green color.

On the edge of the roof, a small height of parapet wall runs along the periphery, which is constructed by installing tiles; these tiles having shaped like pointed arches; a common style inspired by Mughal architecture.

The corner columns are circular and fluted in style, with a series of parallel grooves carved into the surface and floral embellishments at the bottom.

On each corner of the roof slab, a small minaret also has been installed. 

On the ground floor, in the middle of rectangular pavilion graves are present around which walls are raised in squares to form a tomb. An entrance door is present in the center of this tomb. On the first floor, a quadrangular dome is raised; a type of dome structure that has a square or rectangular base instead of a circular one.

The most interesting and unique feature of this tomb, which, I havenโ€™t seen elsewhere in Pakistan is that a square base lifted in the form of walls around 07 feet in height above which a dome is raised. On the front of these square walls, one can see a trademark of Chinioti's workmanship of creating an immaculate design of archivolts. A series of ornamental moldings form decorative bands around a blind arch in the center. This archivolt is composed of a series of arch bands, featuring intricate decorative patterns of floral motifs.

On the corner of this quadrangular dome, fluted pillars are present having balconies and dome shape moldings on the top.

An amalaka is a segmented or notched stone that sits on the top of Hindu temples, that represents a lotus. A molding of a similar design is present on the top of the quadrangular dome. Also, a finial is raised from the apex of the amalaka.



Thursday, 23 February 2023

๐–ฆ๐—Ž๐—‹๐—Ž๐–ฝ๐—๐–บ๐—‹๐–บ ๐–ช๐—๐–บ๐—‹๐–บ ๐–ฒ๐–บ๐—๐—‚๐–ป, ๐–ฌ๐–บ๐—๐—๐—ˆ๐—ˆ ๐–ก๐—๐–บ๐—‚๐–พ ๐—„๐–พ๐—’

18th February 2023

Nestled approximately two kilometers southeast of the Noshehra Virkan Police Station in Tehsil Gujranwala, lies the enchanting village of Bhaike Mattu, also known as Mattoo Bhaie Key. As you step into this picturesque village, your eyes are drawn to a significant landmark that commands attentionโ€”the Gurdwara.

This Gurdwara holds a special place in the hearts of the villagers, as it carries a tale of profound transformation. It was during the stay of Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji, the revered Sikh Guru, that a humble man approached him, bowing down in reverence and finding a place near the Guru to sit. This man's mustache bore the unmistakable yellow stains of years of smoking. Intrigued, Guru Hargobind gently inquired about his name, to which he received the unexpected reply, "Hargobind is my name."

The Guru, ever perceptive, observed the contradiction between the man's name and his smoking habit. With compassion and wisdom, Guru Hargobind remarked, "You carry the name Hargobind, yet you indulge in the offense of smoking." These words struck a deep chord within the man's soul, prompting an immediate and profound transformation. Recognizing the error of his ways, he pledged to quit smoking, sought forgiveness for his past actions, and embraced the teachings of Sikhism under the loving guidance of Guru Hargobind.

The Gurdwara building itself is a visual marvel, exuding an irresistible charm that captivates all who enter. As you step onto its floors, you are greeted by elegant black and white tiles, a testament to the careful attention to detail in its construction. The walls are adorned with exquisitely painted flowers, infusing the space with vibrant colors and a sense of serenity. Above, the ceiling boasts intricate floral designs, elevating the ambiance of the sacred space to new heights. Every element within the Gurdwara reflects a profound dedication to aesthetics and craftsmanship.

One cannot help but notice the plaques displayed within the Gurdwara, bearing the names of those who generously contributed to its repair and maintenance. These plaques stand as tributes to the collective efforts of the community, demonstrating their commitment to preserving the sanctity of this sacred place. Construction of the Gurdwara took place in the year 1933 AD, marking a significant milestone in its history.

In the past, the village and the Gurdwara were even more alive with cultural and communal significance as an annual fair was held on the 7th of Saawan. This event brought together people from far and wide, fostering a sense of unity and celebration within the community. The fair was an occasion for joyful festivities, religious rituals, and a vibrant exchange of traditions and customs.








an edifice where donation was collected

Ground Floor Hall

Ground floor Hall Mosaic Slab

Ground floor Hall Mosaic Slab

Ground Floor

Ground floor Hall Mosaic Slab

Ground Floor Hall

Ground Floor Hall

Ground Floor Hall

Ground Floor Hall

Ground Floor Hall

Ground Floor Hall

Ground Floor Hall

Stair to reach First Floor

1st Floor Dome interior 

1st Floor Dome interior 

1st Floor Dome interior 

A local 85-year-old guy who migrated  in 1947 from Samana City, Chiragh village